• Brave New WordPress

    Brave New WordPress

    INT. WINDOWLESS BOARDROOM – NIGHT A dimly lit room with flickering fluorescent lights. The long conference table is crowded with representatives from multiple factions, each claiming to be the true WordPress. At the head of the table sits WINSTON SMITH, looking overwhelmed and anxious. To his left is GOLDBERG, leader of The Core Purists, flanked…

  • What WordPress Can (and should) Learn From Laravel & Livewire

    What WordPress Can (and should) Learn From Laravel & Livewire

    When I first heard about Kevin Geary’s EtchWP product announcement, it got me thinking. WordPress has strayed pretty far from its roots, and I believe his ideas align with what I’ve been hoping for—a more streamlined, developer-friendly WordPress experience that focuses on PHP and drastically reduces the current obsession with JavaScript-heavy workflows. Now, I’ll be…

  • An Open Hosts API for Delivering Turnkey WordPress Solutions

    An Open Hosts API for Delivering Turnkey WordPress Solutions

    The last couple of years I’ve spent a ton of time with our team at Dollie, to figure out a new way for WordPress businesses (Agencies, WaaS builders, Product creators) to sell turnkey WordPress solutions directly to their audience, taking away as many pain points as possible. In this series I’d like to dive into…